
Karl Stewart draws on his eclectic background to shape his writing. Raised in the hills of post-WWII West Virginia, he proceeded to study for the Catholic priesthood. Having been expelled from the seminary for excessive individualism, he joined the US Army in the late 1960s and became a communication sergeant in the elite Green Beret Special Forces.

Upon returning to civilian life, Stewart became a high school Social Studies/English teacher, earning a Master’s degree in Education along the way. In 2005 Stewart retired from teaching to devote himself to the two things for which he has always had an overriding passion – writing and his family.

His first book, “The Legend of See Bird: The Last Long Drive,” was published in 2012 by Headline Books, Inc. It was followed by the sequel, “Devil’s Backbone,” which won Honorable Mention at the 2015 Southern California Book Festival. Both books are based on the life of his great-grandfather, a Choctaw Indian.

He and his wife live in rural Wisconsin on a pine-lined ridge with a stunnng view to the south that echoes his childhood playgrounds in West Virginia.